Our Praise Team
Bethel is blessed with a talented praise team with leaders who sincerely desire to point us to God and biblical truth. Our worship gatherings declare our commitment to the historical Christian faith and demonstrate our determination to address contemporary cultural issues. In line with this philosophy, our praise team arranges thoughtful mixtures of traditional and contemporary songs.
How do we incorporate multiple languages?
We consider it an enormous privilege that God has placed diverse people and languages in our church family. Bethel’s Sunday morning worship gatherings are arranged so that you will sing and hear the message in your native language. During the combined portion of our gatherings, you will sing in Spanish or English (both languages are presented on the screen simultaneously, and our praise team can switch seamlessly between them). Finally, gifted sign language translators allow our hearing impaired brothers and sisters to worship wholeheartedly right alongside us!
Bethel values the faithful interpretation and teaching of Scripture. Though our pastor is the primary teacher and preaches most Sundays, we thrive on a plural leadership structure. So at Bethel, you will be exposed to teachers who differ in style but remain united in their philosophy of ministry and their commitment to God’s word. Finally, our regular approach to preaching is expository—we dig deep into one portion or passage of Scripture at a time and apply it based upon its context and with sensitivity to its role in all of Scripture.
Christian Maturity and Equipping
Effective teaching is essential for our depth and growth as Christians. We strive to equip all members of our church family to gain greater maturity in their walk with Jesus and with one another. The Scriptures implore us to stand firm against the ever-changing opinions and directionless ideology of society. Instead, we strive to “take every thought captive to obey Christ” and keep our eyes on Jesus, the “founder and perfecter of our faith.” (2 Corinthians 10:5, Hebrews 12:1-2)
We welcome you to check out our latest sermons.
Facing Challenges
Our young people today are bombarded with confusing, divisive, and shallow messages. Bethel’s Junior High and High School students strive to address such challenges in light of a biblical worldview. Our custom curriculum cultivates deep reflection to foster spiritual growth and relational maturity.
The youth of Bethel make indispensable contributions to the life of our church. Our parents, college students, and others serve enthusiastically alongside them.
Committed Community, Secure Environment
Our youth engage in meaningful community service and friendship building activities. All of Bethel’s programs for minors follow certified procedures to promote a secure environment and healthy relationships.
Energetic Kids, Inspiring Leaders
Children are a gift from God, and with the energy he gave them, they need the right kind of people to help them grow. Bethel has fantastic, well-organized leaders who really love these kids! We seek to challenge their minds with engaging material and mold their passions with fun, meaningful activities. Finally, we value the involvement of the whole family—while God uses the church to shape children, he has designed family as the most important environment for cultivating faith and Christian character.
Secure Environment
Our kids’ programs follow certified procedures to provide a secure environment, encourage learning, and facilitate healthy relationships.
Community Groups (English and Spanish)
Our diverse church recognizes the need for our brothers and sisters in Christ to form relationships and study the Bible in their native language. Bethel’s community groups are a primary means for fellowship and outreach. Our groups meet at various locations in the Kalamazoo area. Check out our Events Calendar to find a group that fits your schedule.
Why serve in our community?
At Bethel, we firmly believe the words of Ephesians 2:8-10: “By grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
This is a promise to all who trust and follow Jesus according the Scriptures. Since God has so generously restored our relationship with him, we want to do the things that he designed for our new life in Christ. We love to show our gratitude to him and serve others in Jesus’ name.
What we do in Kalamazoo
As we engage in a variety of projects in the Kalamazoo area, we intentionally bring the generations together. Parents, young adults, seniors, teens, and kids work together in activities such as:
- yard work for the elderly
- collecting items for ministries like Loaves and Fishes
- programs for nursing homes
- caring for the needs of our own members
Our International Missionaries
We support several international missionaries. Bethel members have participated in short-term mission trips to serve alongside them. Our current missionaries engage in Christian ministry efforts that impact many countries. You can check out the following links for more information: